VP of Operations & Executives

The VP of Operations / Production is responsible to provide the tools and capabilities for his or her team to maximize production in a safe and environmentally sound way, and Enalysis provides a one stop shop for the various roles on the team to effectively complete their jobs and communicate with other team members in a single consolidated database and reporting system.

At the same time, the VP is generally responsible to assure that the team has the tools to comply with the complex Quad Z, Quad J, and Quad O regulations that apply to internal combustion engines and compressors, and Enalysis® has a feature set to support complying with these regulations. Depending on the size of the company, a VP will interact with Detechtion’s engineering experts on a monthly or quarterly basis for a broad-based fleet review meeting to review wins achieved and discuss future opportunities.

How Enalysis® will Benefit VP’s

  • Enalysis® provides a one-stop shop for all employees and roles to effectively complete their responsibilities and communicate with others on the team.
  • Fleet wide reports allow a broad view of compression assets to help maximize the fleet’s potential and ensure minimal downtime.
  • Fuel gas reports allow the VP to keep track of the costs of operations.
  • Emission reports help ensure operations are abiding by environmental and safety standards.
  • Enalysis™ allows VP’s to ensure routine maintenance is completed on time.
  • Enalysis™ assures that the team is notified when there is a risk of catastrophic machine failure, valve damage, and other operational risks.

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