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Detechtion asset integrity management for oil and gas field operations teams

Written by Marina Romero | Jan 6, 2025 11:36:29 PM

Have you missed scheduling a vessel or PSV inspection when activity got hectic?  Is it taking too long to get change requests approved when equipment failure strikes?  Both can lead to unplanned downtime, unnecessary repair costs, and risk worker injury or compliance infraction.

We hear from many operations teams that it's a struggle to keep on top of asset integrity in the field in terms of maintenance, change approvals, inspection scheduling and reporting.  

Sometimes the asset integrity tools available, or sprawling spreadsheets, aren’t practical for field operators and vital tasks get missed. 


Integrated asset management in one easy-to-use platform

Detechtion’s field operations platform now offers practical and easy-to-use asset integrity tools for operations leaders and the field frontline.  Use EZ Ops to help track and maintain pipelines, tanks, PSVs and vessels, Management of Chance (MOC) and Replacement in Kind (RIK) - all in one operations platform.

We also provide predictive maintenance scheduling for pigging and all pipeline and facility activity to reduce the cost of managing assets, while keeping workers safe and lowering compliance risk.


PSV and vessel maintenance and inspections - here’s how it works

Field teams can easily anticipate when the Chief Inspector will be on site for vessel inspections and when PSVs will be offsite for third-party inspections. 

Detechtion provides a complete inventory of your PSVs and Vessels, uniquely identified by serial number and makes it easy to create new assets as needed. Set your service and inspections schedule. Operators can see upcoming activity and adjust manually as needed.


Track which PSVs are in service or not in service. This makes it easy for operators to replace PSVs during inspections to avoid maintenance shutdowns.


See the status of vessel inspections and access inspection reports all in one system.


Chief Inspectors can also choose to enter inspection data , eliminating duplicate data entry. If inspections indicate tasks required for follow up, the work can immediately be scheduled within Detechtion's app. 


Streamline MOC and RIK approvals - here’s how it works:

Our MOC and RIK capabilities enable your team to streamline the effort of change approvals and replacement tracking, calibrating risk and keeping actions moving. 

Get real-time visibility into MOC requests and status updates and see who’s accountable for the next action. A digital audit trail ensures documentation is consistent, tracked and error-free, from start to finish. 


For RIK, track maintenance that doesn’t require approval but still needs documenting and status tracking, with a clear history and complete accountability tracking.


What’s the impact of using Detechtion's asset integrity solutions? 

Users immediately report saving hours in scheduling inspections, managing change approvals and activity status and inspection report cards are instantly visible to head office. Gain:

  • 100% visibility into asset management activity and inspection results 
  • 80% less time coordinating MOC requests and approvals 
  • Reduced risk of missing asset maintenance and inspections 
  • Reduced risk of shutdowns


Gain practical asset integrity management with Detechtion

Detechtion helps operations teams efficiently manage asset integrity, optimize production, safeguard compliance and more. Use Detechtion’s integrated asset management tools as a suite or use them independently. 

We’d welcome learning about your asset integrity needs and how we can help reduce your risk or operator time managing assets. Take the first step - book a demo